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A member registered Sep 12, 2023

Recent community posts

crypto farm? what now?

the new update that removes the food related annoyances is a huge blessing, thanks devs <3

I think a good solution to the trash/grime issue everyone's having right now would be introducing a purchasable mop of some type that cleans stuff at a faster rate than the sponge and pushes trash piles so we can get rid of them easier than using a trash bag. Either that or make it more obvious how to use the trash bag. I was pretty confused on how to use it because most of the usable items in the game are like "place me down then hit 4 and use to do something" whereas there wasn't really a "tutorial" for using it, I just kinda clicked stuff until it worked. Overall though any update is a good update :)

Why so much trash? The base looks really bad now :(
I can understand creating a bit more of a mess but like
I can't look anywhere without some disgusting wall being in view or a pile of garbage that i'd have to work on for an hour to clear. Pls revert some of it at least :(